SP4U is always delivering you the best quality but delivers you also the “best fit” meaning that every situation needs its own cutting knife; speed, type of tobacco, cigar, or cigarette is of importance for the choice of the hardness of the knife.
Circular knives from SP4U guarantee you the best quality available. The carbide is chosen from the hardest carbide combined with other ingredients for flexibility. These knives give you a clean cut and less wear.
The angle is fit for the type of product to be cut. This angle is as smooth as possible by lapping treatment, meaning for you as a customer; super polishing quality for a longer lifetime, thus more cuts with the highest quality. The combination of it all makes these knives the “best fit” for the job.
SP4U is advising you on the hardness and the thickness of the knives beside the dimensions given from the OEM’s. This is the added value of SP4U and calls it “the best fit“.
SP4U is offering his services enabling customers to maximize their efficiency and productivity. SP4U’s expertise and advice help customers in general to produce a better product at lower costs.
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